Graduation is not an automatic process. 学生必须在最后一学期的前一学期申请毕业.
匹兹堡大学约翰斯敦分校(University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown)攻读学士学位的学生,在修满100个“在修学分”后,将有资格在线申请毕业。. 如果在申请过程中尚未获得毕业学期, 学生需要等到下学期开始申请. 毕业申请必须在PeopleSoft以电子方式提交,以便授予学位.
一旦符合条件,学生应该通过登录my . net完成在线申请 and following these instructions. 在审查和最终批准后,你的学位被授予,你的文凭被订购. 必须满足大学的所有经济义务才能获得文凭.
- 你的毕业申请上的名字必须与在PeopleSoft(大学的学生信息系统)上显示的名字相同。. In order to change your name, 你需要提供法律文件,比如出生证明, marriage license, divorce decree, or court order.
- To ensure your diploma is routed to the correct address, 你可以在毕业学期/学期结束前一个月通过PeopleSoft更新你的毕业地址.
Before completing the online application, 请与你的指导老师安排一次会议,以确保你已经完成了学位的所有要求,并正在申请适当的毕业期限. If you’ve applied for graduation and need to postpone, 你需要联系注册办公室,这样他们就可以让你有资格在Peoplesoft上提交后续学期的电子申请. Please note that late fees may be applicable and are non-negotiable.
Graduation Application Dates and Deadlines
Spring – April
Submission period begins October 1
Late fees begin ($25) - December 1
Deadline to Apply (w/$25 fee) - April 1
Summer - June
Submission period begins February 1
Late fees begin ($25) - April 1
Deadline to Apply (w/$25 fee) - June 1
Summer - August
Submission period begins February 1
Late fees begin ($25) - June 1
Deadline to Apply (w/$25 fee) - August 1
Fall - December
Submission period begins March 1
Late fees begin ($25) - October 1
Deadline to Apply (w/$25 fee) - December 1
在截止日期(适用的毕业学期)之后收到的申请将根据收到的日期收取额外的滞纳金. Fees must be paid at the time of online application.
Graduation with Honors
毕业班成绩优异的本科生,可以以大学荣誉毕业. To be eligible, a student must complete at least 60 letter-graded credits at the University of Pittsburgh. 所有在大学完成的与学位相关的课程都计算在平均绩点中, GPAs are not rounded up. 获得大学荣誉是基于在毕业时获得以下平均成绩:
Summa Cum Laude 3.75
Magna Cum Laude 3.50
Cum Laude 3.25
Request for Preferred Name on Diploma
学生可以要求在他们的文凭上印上自己喜欢的名字(“文凭名称”)。. 如果你在国际上使用你的文凭,学生应该谨慎并调查使用文凭名称而不是你的法定名称的潜在后果.
To request that a Diploma Name appear on your diploma, complete the Diploma Name Request form and bring it, along with your University of Pittsburgh ID card, to the Office of the Registrar (located in 279 Blackington Hall).
为了更新这些信息,你必须出示你的大学照片身份证,并且你必须亲自出示表格. Forms will not be accepted via e-mail, fax, mail, or from a third-party making the request in your absence. 所有表格必须在你即将毕业的学期的最后一天收到,以避免处理费.
位于约翰斯敦的匹兹堡大学每年都会在春季学期结束后举行一次毕业典礼. 在学年毕业的学生都被邀请参加. The academic year encompasses December, April, June and August graduation classes for the current Academic Year. (Example: December 2023 graduates and April, 2024年6月和8月将被邀请参加2024年度毕业典礼).
Information on ordering regalia, tickets, 当有更多信息时,通知将发送给符合条件的学生. Learn more on the Commencement page.
立博app如何以最安全的方式最好地庆祝我们2024届毕业生的计划仍在制定中. Thank you for your ongoing patience. Updates will be provided to all graduates via email, 发布在皮特-约翰斯敦毕业典礼网站上,并随着计划的发展在皮特-约翰斯敦的社交媒体平台上公布.
你的毕业证书将在你的学期结束后一个月左右免费寄给你. 该文件将邮寄到您在线毕业申请中提供的地址. Upon receipt, 请仔细检查你的文凭,并立即通知注册办公室任何差异.
有关订购额外成绩单副本的信息,请访问 Transcripts page.
Replacement Diplomas
你可以在毕业后的任何时候购买额外的或替换的文凭副本. 申请额外/替换文凭可以通过提交书面申请提出. Print and complete the online Diploma Request form and deliver or mail it with the required $25.00 fee to the address below. 此费用包括在美国国内的标准邮寄费用. Additional fees will be charged for overnight or overseas mailing. Checks and money orders should be made payable to 立博app.
注意:更换文凭必须使用在匹兹堡大学约翰斯敦分校就读时出现的名称. 如果你想换一个名字,而不是你在皮特-约翰斯敦上学时用的名字,你必须填写一份 student information update form and provide acceptable documentation to the Registrar's office. Fees may be assessed in cases where historical records are affected. Acceptable documentation consists of birth certificate, marriage certificate, divorce decree, formal court order, or a valid passport.
The reorder process takes approximately one month. 更换的文凭将采用当前的样式和字体,并有当前管理员的签名.
Mail request to:
University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown
450 Schoolhouse Road
Office of the Registrar
279 Blackington Hall
Johnstown, PA 15904